All Posts By

Bethany Joy Foss

Article Machine Review

Starting Embroidery Business in an Economic Downturn

October 14, 2020
embroidery business

Did you start believing that 2021 would be your year, but then COVID-19 happened, and you had to hit reset? Same. We’ve all been dealt the toughest of cards this year, and though we cannot take back the time, we can reinvent ourselves, do things differently, and still win. Besides, 2021 isn’t over yet, and this could still be your year besides everything happening. COVID-19 has shaken the world economies unprecedentedly, and none of us expected this from 2021. It’s…

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Article Machine Review

What is the Best Embroidery Machine to Make Money?

October 7, 2020
Best Embroidery Machine

If you are looking for A Profitable Embroidery Business idea to make ends meet, you will be surprised to note that you will come across numerous ideas that you could efficiently run with if you look hard and deep enough. One of these business ideas is venturing into the embroidery business, which starts with buying a machine. Embroidery is not just a business, it’s a lucrative investment. Regardless of the economy’s state, the proper embroidery machine will offer substantial returns…

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Article Machine Review

The Best Garment Printers for Commercial Printing Businesses

October 7, 2020
garment printers

To run a commercial garment printing business home, you must first invest in the best garment equipment to produce fresh, high-quality printed garments in minutes. If you are researching and looking for some of the best embroidery and garment printing techniques to set up and run one of the most successful t-shirt printing businesses, you might have encountered DTG. This printing device allows companies to develop the best quality printed t-shirts in bulk and efficiency. But what is this printing…

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